Dr. Rossi will lecture on August 26th at 7am in BST S120.
"High Resolution Imaging With Adaptive Optics for Studying the Retina on a Microscopic Scale in the Living Eye"
Ethan A. Rossi, PhD recently joined the University of Pittsburgh as an Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology. He received his PhD from the University of California, Berkeley in 2009 under the mentorship of Austin Roorda. He completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Rochester in the laboratory of David Williams, before joining the Center for Visual Science at the University of Rochester as a Research Associate in 2012. His research uses adaptive optics technology to study the normal and diseased retina. Adaptive optics allows for retinal imaging and visual stimulation at the level of single cells in the living eye. His graduate work used adaptive optics to study the limits of human visual resolution. His work at Rochester centered on improving existing adaptive optics imaging technologies and developing new ones to apply them to the study of human diseases such as AMD. Most recently, he devised a new technique to image translucent neurons such as retinal ganglion cells in the living eye.