Clinical Grand Rounds - Neuro-ophthalmology

Dr. Salwa Abdel Aziz will be presenting a neuro-ophthalmology case at UPMC Eye Center Grand Rounds on Friday, January 20 at 7 am in BST 120. Dr. Aziz and Dr. Gabrielle Bonhomme will lead a discussion after the case presentation. Participants may wish to read the following prior to attending.

Mulvihill A, O'Keefe M. Classification, assessment, and management of childhood ptosis. Ophthalmol Clin North Am. 2001 Sep;14(3):447-55. Review. PubMed PMID: 11705145.

Rucker JC, Tomsak RL. Binocular diplopia. A practical approach. Neurologist. 2005 Mar;11(2):98-110. Review. PubMed PMID: 15733332.

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