Special Guest Speaker Grand Rounds - Audrey Murrell, PhD

Audrey J.  Murrell, PhD, will be presenting on, " How To Be a Successful Mentor, " at the UPMC Eye Center Grand Rounds on Friday, February 22,  2013 at 7am in BST 120.

Audrey Murrell is an Associate Professor of Business Administration, Psychology, Public and International Affairs at the University of Pittsburgh. Additionally, she is the Director of the David Berg Center for Ethics and Leadership. Audrey Murrell conducts research, teaches, and works with organizations on strategies to enhance overall effectiveness by utilizing their most valuable assets--their human and social capital. She conducts extensive research on building capacity of people and outcomes at work with a special emphasis on enhancing outcomes for women. This includes topics such as mentoring, breaking the "glass ceiling", diversity, and workplace discrimination. Her work has been published widely in management and psychology journals as well as book chapter and special issues. Popular media—including The Wall Street Journal, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Atlanta Journal Constitution, Pittsburgh Business Times, Cleveland Plain Dealer, Black Enterprise, Jet Magazine, and Vida Executive (in Brazil)—has also highlighted Murrell's work. She is the author (along with Crosby and Ely) of the book titled Mentoring Dilemmas: Developmental Relationships within Multicultural Organizations and the author (with Forte-Trammell and Bing) of the recent book Intelligent Mentoring: How IBM Creates Value through People, Knowledge and Relationships. She recently received funding from the Ford Foundation's Having a Dream Fund to study way to increase the utilization of minority and women contractors/suppliers among public/governmental agencies.