Susan Culican, MD, PhD is the Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education and a Professor in the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Neurosciences at the University of Minnesota. Dr. Susan Culican served as the residency program director at Washington University in St. Louis for 15 years. She is a product of Wash U having received her BA, MD and PhD there. She stayed on at Wash U for Ophthalmology residency training. Following residency, she was selected to serve as chief resident, prior to completing her pediatric ophthalmology fellowship at Washington University and St. Louis Children’s Hospital. Predictably, she joined the faculty at Wash U in 2004. Dr. Culican started her academic career as a clinician-scientist focused on discovering the cellular mechanisms that defined the critical period of visual development. Early in her career she realized that ophthalmology education, like ophthalmology clinical practice, could benefit from data-driven approaches. She has since applied her bench science skills to scrutinize and analyze what we do and how we do it in resident education to bring transparency and rigor to the understanding of how we measure and track resident performance throughout residency training. Dr. Culican served on numerous education and quality committees at Wash U and St. Louis Children’s Hospital. Nationally, she has served on AUPO and ACGME councils, committees and subcommittees, including most recently the Milestones 2.0 work group. Dr. Culican is the 2019 Straatsma Award Recipient. She is a reviewer for many journals. Notably she is the Section Editor for Pediatric Ophthalmology for the British Journal of Ophthalmology.