Biochemistry of the Iris and Lens

Objectives: Upon completion of this conference the resident/student should be able to

  • Describe the structure and chemical composition of iris, ciliary body and lens,
  • Be aware of the physiology of iris, ciliary body and lens, 
  • Be aware of the unique features of the iris, ciliary body and the lens.

Assignment: Please read chapters 9 and 11 (in part IV, Biochemis

try and Metabolism) in Fundamentals and Principles of Ophthalmology, BCSC Section 2.

Recommended, but not required:

1. Davis-Silberman N, and Ashery-Padan R.2008.  Iris development in vertebrates; genetic and molecular considerations. Brain Res. 4;1192:17-28.

2. Bloemendal H, de Jong W, Jaenicke R, Lubsen NH, Slingsby C, and Tardieu A. 2004. Ageing and vision: structure, stability and function of lens crystallins. Prog Biophys Mol Biol. 86(3):407-85.