Spectacles and contact lenses in children

Please read the following articles and consider the questions below:

  1. When and why do we prescribe glasses for children? 

Glasses for Children - American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (aapos.org)

  1. What are the skills required to obtain an effective glass Rx? 

        Prescribing Glasses for Children - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf (nih.gov)

  1. What is emmetropization? 

       Refractive Development - American Academy of Ophthalmology (aao.org)

  1. When and why do we prescribe contact lenses for children? 

       Contact Lenses in Children: Getting It Right—Lens, Age, and Need - American Academy of  Ophthalmology (aao.org)

       Contact lenses worthwhile option for preteens, children | AOA

  1. Is prescribing glasses or contact lenses and art or a science? 

       Prescribing Glasses for Kids - Eyedolatry (eyedolatryblog.com)