Exodeviation Objectives:
- To develop a differential diagnosis for exodeviation based on the patient's age, medical history, symptoms and clinical exam
- To develop a clinical examination approach for a patient with an exodeviation
- To understand nonsurgical and surgical indications for a patient with an exodeviation
Reading assignment: Chapter 9 Exodeviations in the Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus BCSC Book—eBook page 18.
Esodeviations Objectives:
· Identify different types of comitant esodeviations and their clinical characteristics.
· Know how to clinically evaluate, quantitate, and formulate a treatment plan for patients with a comitant esodeviation.
· Recognize the clinical signs of comitant esodeviations that mandate neuroimaging and further neurologic evaluation.
Reading assignment: Chapter 8 Esodeviations in the Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus section of the BCSC—eBook page 17.